July 15, 2010

Midnight Par-tay

Last night we had a party
First, let's rewind.
This was yesterday morning-
playing their usual games.
These two little men are so much fun.
They are finally to the age of interacting and playing together,
and really,
it melts me every time.
Dode 'getting' Isaiah
They really are best friends.
So back to our party
this party took place at 2:30 in the a.m.
Dode woke up screaming,
poor little guy
So he decided that misery loves company and woke up the rest of the house.
We had a great time.
maybe i did mutter a four letter word in the beginning
But then Isaiah came and laid by Dode
stuck his arm under his neck and did this.
It was the only thing that stopped him from crying.
Thanks for the reminder yet again baby.

Our Angel Baby