October 2, 2008

7 MoNThs!!!

I truly cannot believe that my baby is 7 months old! Where does the time go?... Well this last month Isaiah has had many firsts, as have I. I seem to have a lot of what I call "Mommy Moments". These are the moments that truly make time stand still, take your breath away, and turn your whole life around for a split second, and all in a good way of course. The moments where you silently say a prayer thanking God for this precious little gift. The moments where you wonder what you ever could have done to deserve the life you are now living. Your Dream. Truly that is how I feel. I feel that I am living my dream. I have been so blessed, and am so dumb founded as to why he would bless ME so much! Isaiah is truly my little piece of Heaven. He is my World. Here are some 7 month Isaiah updates:
  • LOVES to watch BABY EINSTEIN!!! These movies have truly saved my life. I can put him in front of one of these and he is happy as long as they are on. It is so cute sometimes I will hear him copying the sounds on the movie, or laughing out loud at the little puppets.
  • He does Pat-a-cake! He claps his chubby little hands together to tell me when he wants to do it. 
  • He's Crawling! He follows me around the house, my little buddy:) 
  • He gets on all fours and then up on to his tippy toes so his bum is straight up in the air. So CUTE!
  • He waves 'bye bye'.
  • GIggles constantly.
  • Loves to wrestle with daddy, and even copies the grunting sounds daddy makes.
  • Loves other little kids! Everywhere we go he calls after all of the little kids around. At church or the grocery store he will squeal til' they come talk to him. What can I say he is my son, little social butterfly:)
  • We have piano time everyday... He loves music.
  • His favorite food is peaches, (besides the good stuff of course) that's all he would eat if i'd let him.

Our Angel Baby